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Ricerca Vulci

An isotope-based approach to Villanovan culture of pre-Roman Italy: a lecture at the British School in Rome

ROME, APRIL 12 - An isotope-based approach to the Villanovan material culture phenomenon of pre-Roman Italy was the subject of a lecture given at the British School in Rome by Carmen Esposito (PhD 2021, Queen’s University Belfast) and currently a Fellow there working...

Virtual and Reality: A Neurophysiological Pilot Study of the Sarcophagus of the Spouses

ROME, APRIL 10 - Virtual and Reality: A Neurophysiological Pilot Study of the Sarcophagus of the Spouses. Art experience is not solely the observation of artistic objects, but great relevance is also placed on the environment in which the art experience takes place,...

A Grotte di Castro convegno del CNR su Etruschi e l’acqua

GROTTE DI CASTRO, 21 MARZO - L’acqua e gli Etruschi: in occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell'Acqua,  l’Istituto di scienze del patrimonio culturale (Ispc) del Cnr di Roma organizza tre giornate di attività a Grotte di Castro in provincia di Viterbo dedicate al tema...

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